Use The Swiper App For A Smooth Chat
Download Swiper Today To Experience The Most Secure And Fast Call,Message And Much More
Easy To Use
You can Easily Use This App Without Any Hassle.
Easy Time Saving Notifications
You Can Easily Reply Via Notification.
Speed Call And Messages
You Can Make Calls And Message Very Fast Through This
The Most Secure And Secure Application For Your Privacy, End-To-End Encryption Is Done Under The Facility
The Advanced Encryption Standard (End-To-End) is a symmetric block cipher chosen by the U.S. government to protect classified information. End-To-End is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. It is essential for government computer security, cybersecurity and electronic data protection. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) started development of End-To-End in 1997 when it announced the need for an alternative to the Data Encryption Standard (DES), which was starting to become vulnerable to brute-force attacks. NIST stated that the newer, advanced encryption algorithm would be unclassified and must be "capable of protecting sensitive government information well into the [21st] century." It was intended to be easy to implement in hardware and software, as well as in restricted environments -- such as a smart card -- and offer decent defenses against various attack techniques.
Get your own time
With Swiper, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling for free*, available on phones all over the world.
Easy User Interface
They're probably distracted too. Keep it simple and beautiful, fun and functional. Clean End-To-Endthetics supported.
Quick Access
When you first use features in Swiper requiring access to information or applications from your Android phone, you'll see a screen asking for your permission to do this. Turning off permissions might cause Swiper to lose certain functionality.
How Swiper works?
Our users are impatient. They're probably distracted too. Keep it simple and beautiful, fun and functional. Clean End-To-Endthetics supported by a strong concept is what we stand for.
Install the app
No one cares about products. People care about ideas. Is a product an idea? Noup. Is a brand? A good one is.
Setup your profile
No one cares about products. People care about ideas. Is a product an idea? Noup. Is a brand? A good one is.
Enjoy the features
No one cares about products. People care about ideas. Is a product an idea? Noup. Is a brand? A good one is.
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Try Swiper for free!
With Swiper, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling for free*, available on phones all over the world.
Our users love this app?
Our users are impatient. They're probably distracted too. Keep it simple and beautiful, fun and functional. Clean End-To-Endthetics supported by a strong concept is what we stand for.